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Ausbil Global SmallCap Fund – Research Report 2022

The Ausbil Global SmallCap Fund has been awarded a “4 IP” rating from Research IP, with a score of 4.17/5.

The Ausbil Global SmallCap Fund provides exposure to an actively managed portfolio, predominantly made up of listed global small capitalised equities, which are primarily selected from the MSCI World Small Cap Index constituents.

What is the Fund’s competitive advantage?

Qualitative Research Report and Data Tear Sheet

Looking for some quick access key facts about the fund, have a look at our new RIPPL Effect report, designed to be read in conjunction with the qualitative research.
The full research report and data tear sheet can be accessed by subscribing for FREE to the Research IP Tools page.

Research IP says

“The Manager shows a repeatable investment process which aims to provide access for investors looking for growth stocks in the global small cap space. Quantitative tools provide a basis to keep the process consistent.

“The Manager has four stages to the investment process. The process is well defined, though the Manager is alert to learnings and potential improvements to the process in practice. Research IP believes this is a crucial aspect to investing generally, let alone in global small cap stocks.

“Small caps are naturally less liquid than larger cap stocks in the global universe, however Research IP believes the Manager has the necessary settings in place to measure and monitory liquidity risk in the portfolio. Management of liquidity risk is built into the Manager’s investment process by way of weighting stocks in the portfolio by liquidity (average daily trading volume over the last 3 months) rather than preference.”

Research IP, 15 November 2022

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