Recognising and awarding the best fund managers in the New Zealand market

Since 2015 Research IP has been the chief judge for the NZX FundSource awards and in 2019, after the sale of FundSource, Research IP officially launched under its own brand. In 2019, the FMOY Awards included some new categories and, in a New Zealand first, the awards were opened to financial advisers to attend.
Awards of this type have typically been the province of fund managers, but the Research IP Awards also recognises the expertise of advisers in the wealth management equation, with an Advisers’ Choice award for the best fund managers in multiple categories.
Process driven
Research IP has been powering awards in the New Zealand market since 2015. While there is a focus on one year performance in determining the shortlisted funds in a sector, there are a number of multi-year factors used to ensure winners are not “one hit wonders”.
A wide selection of funds and fund managers
All New Zealand and Australia based funds management companies that have retail investment funds available via a Product Disclosure Statement in the New Zealand market were considered for the Fund Manager of the Year nominations and Awards.
Awards of this type have typically been the province of fund managers, but the Research IP awards recognise the expertise of advisers in the wealth management equation, with an Advisers’ Choice award for the best fund managers in three categories.
Fund Manager of the Year 2022
To be eligible you need to have been a finalist or shortlisted in more than one category.
Consistently performing across the product suite and passing a range of qualitative criteria, covering corporate and investment governance, philosophy and process, portfolio construction and implementation, risk management, and (of course) fees, are the prerequisite to get onto this list.
As always, it was a very close race to the finish this year with strong performance and representation across multiple sectors by our finalists.
KiwiSaver Scheme of the Year 2022
Pathfinder KiwiSaver Plan
Retirement savings is increasingly important possibly the only investment for many Kiwis into a managed fund.
KiwiSaver continues to grow and as of December 2021 has undergone its second major restructure of the default provider process. While the growth of new KiwiSaver accounts is less critical, every little bit helps in a very competitive marketplace. Managers in this sector also play an important role in educating Kiwi’s on the value of saving and investing.
Pathfinder KiwiSaver Plan
Milford KiwiSaver Plan
Fisher Funds TWO KiwiSaver Scheme
Boutique Manager of the Year 2022
QuayStreet Asset Management
There is a funds under management link to the Boutique Fund Manager of the Year Award. At Research IP, we feel this is an important part of the market to recognise.
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Longevity Award 2022
Smartshares US 500
Our awards recognise FMOY, but we feel it is also important to recognise the managers that consistently deliver strong risk adjusted returns over the longer term.
Having run the longevity Awards since 2016, it seemed it was always going to be biased to conservative investment strategies. Last year proved that was not the case with the 2021 winner being a global equity fund. This year we have
a different line up, but equities is still leveraging its longer dated performance history.
From Sandra Bullock’s line in the movie, The Net: “Our whole world is sitting there on a computer. It’s in the computer, everything: your, your DMV records, your, your social security, your credit cards, your medical records. It’s all right there”, including tonight’s Longevity Award winner.
Smartshares US 500
BetaShares Global Sustainability Leaders
Nikko AM Global Shares
Responsible Investment Manager of the Year 2022
Harbour Asset Management
We are working directly with our consulting clients to ensure special attention is paid to portfolio risk/return dynamics and how responsible investing may change these through time.
This award recognises the manager that demonstrates a commitment to improving and educating investors around responsible investing and its benefit to stakeholders.
We would like to acknowledge the depth and detail Harbour is bringing with its Impact Fund reporting. It is not always about investing or a new fund strategy. Sometimes it the little things that support a product.
Adviser Choice 2022
Adviser Choice was introduced in 2019 to make Fund Manager Awards a more inclusive process. Each year the engagement grows and this year has been no exception. We’ve had some amazing engagement…let’s just say it’s been insightful.
The following managers received the most individual votes in each of the respective categories.

Fixed Interest

Property & infrastructure


Investor Choice 2022
Generate Investment Management
This is the first year of Investor Choice and it has had a spectacular take up by the investing public. Inclusion is something we at Research IP believe is important and a positive contribution to the social aspects of ESG.

Sector Awards
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Global Fixed Interest Sector
Bentham Global Income NZD
Australian Unit Trust or PIE, FX has mattered this year. With a more flexible mandate, this has seen some income funds rise to the top. Despite rising interest rates of the magnitude we’ve seen, the finalists are reflective of the diversification benefits against broad market exposure.
Bentham Global Income NZD
Daintree Core Income Trust
Fisher Income
research ip
Australasian Fixed Interest Sector
Harbour Enhanced Cash
From our interviews with fund managers through the Awards process, inflation and central banks dominate as a key risk. Interest rates have changed substantially since our last awards in December 2021.
Harbour Enhanced Cash
Clarity Fixed Income
QuayStreet Fixed Interest
Research ip
Global Property & Infrastructure Sector
ClearBridge RARE Infrastructure Value Unhedged
Back to the office is largely a hybrid arrangement, some teams are fully back in the office, most are a hybrid, and a few are enjoying the lack of peak hour traffic! Online retail sales are down compared to the highs of 2020/2021. Although logistics and data centres remain key property assets. This has seen quality and location being rewarded. Compared to global infrastructure though, property continues to struggle.
ClearBridge RARE Infrastructure Value Unhedged
Maple-Brown Abbott Global Listed Infrastructure
Fisher Property & Infrastructure
research ip
Australasian Property Sector
Alceon Australian Property
Similar to global property, 2022 has not been kind. REITs in New Zealand and Australian listed property markets have been crunched. Given the strong presence of AREITs in the sector, it was interesting to see the strong representation from NZ fund managers who generated competitive performance compared to the Aussie fund managers.
Alceon Australian Property
Octagon Listed Property
Smartshares Aus Property
research ip
Alternatives Sector
Salt Carbon
From multi strategy, fund of fund, and thematic investments like water, carbon and natural resources, to hedge funds and long short strategies. It is a very broad universe and often lowly correlated to traditional assets. With the world in one of the largest and most expensive transitions in its history, Alternatives can provide diversification, different sources of alpha, or address a specific client need. But should be considered carefully within a whole of portfolio perspective.
Salt Carbon
Salt Long Short
Janus Henderson Global Natural Resources
research ip
Global Equities Sector
Smartshares US 500
Global equities include regional, country and sector specific funds. As well as true global equity funds, be they active, passive, widely held or concentrated. It is a truly broad church of opportunities. In a QT world growth was always going to struggle. In a barbelled 12 months, there have been some distinct winners.
Smartshares US 500
QuayStreet International Equity
BetaShares S&P 500 Equal Weight
research ip
Australian Equities Sector
Smartshares Australian Top 20
A cliff diver knows there is a thud at the bottom of the dive as they enter the water. Australian equity growth managers are somewhere in their fall. Where the bottom is we do not know yet. There may be more to come. Resources have popped, led by the behemoth 12% ASX weight of BHP. Small Caps were not about to capitulate.
Smartshares Australian Top 20
Airlie Australian Share
Perpetual Smaller Companies
research ip
Australasian Equities Sector
Devon Alpha
The ASX, despite a 9.9% decline, has had a strong year compared to the NZX, which fell by 16.1% for the year. One thing that has become increasingly noticeable is the number of Australian fund managers holding NZX only listed companies in their portfolios.
Devon Alpha
Clarity TAHITO Te Tai o Rehua
Harbour Australasian Equity Income
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New Zealand Equities Sector
Octagon New Zealand Equities
The NZX is changing as companies make decisions between the NZX and ASX and consider the benefits of dual listing. The latest delisting from the NZX, shortly before the September 30 cut off for this year’s awards, is Harmoney Corp. In some cases, it has been a little more controversial, e.g. DGL Group’s delisting from the New Zealand stock exchange because the board believed there was no benefit from remaining listed in New Zealand. There are some other views on the reasons.
Octagon New Zealand Equities
Nikko AM Core Equity
QuayStreet New Zealand Equity
research ip
Diversified Fund of the Year
Perpetual Diversified Real Return
As we announced in 2021, changes were made to this process, pitting all funds from conservative to high growth to flexible asset allocations against each other. Over the long term we expect all diversified asset allocations to have their day in the sun. It is now a battle of the asset allocation and focusing on the fund rather than the manager. This will highlight the changes in the market and when underlying asset classes, that is bonds or equities, are performing strongly.
Perpetual Diversified Real Return
Milford Australian Absolute Growth PIE
Schroder Real Return
Awards in the News
Smarthshares wins fund gong – Investment News
Awards season scoops – On the Money – BusinessDesk
Research IP Fund Manager of the Year Awards 2022 – LinkedIn
Passive over active: Smartshares wins fund manager of the year – BusinessDesk
2022 Fund Manager gongs –
Passive’s place: Smartshares wins fund manager of the year – NBR