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Navigating the Fundamental Approaches – Pragmatism, Virtue Signalling or Minimum Effort? – Beneath the Surface of Responsible Investing – Part 4

There are many different approaches to responsible investing, some approaches are more proactive and pragmatic than others. Multiple approaches could be used within the same managed fund. The underlying considerations across all approaches are environmental, social and governance factors.

Figure 4 gives a simple overview of the fundamental approaches a Fund Manager may pursue.

Figure 4 Fundamental approaches to responsible investing via managed funds

Check the Pulse

Overall Entity

Research IP has witnessed a significant shift in the amount of information provided by Fund Managers on ESG issues in recent years. To help understand the motives and overall credibility of the Fund Manager regarding responsible investment, Research IP seek to answer the following questions about the overall entity:


Integration means that factors related to ESG issues are incorporated into the quantitative and qualitative analysis of a company and the industry in which it operates. Corporate engagement and proxy voting is a valuable aspect when used in this approach. ESG integration simply means investment analysis is viewed through a broader lens. Research IP believes integration is the most holistic approach.

Having an “ESG team” in London that the local fund managers “disagree” with is a form of greenwashing.

Research IP seeks to answer the following questions when evaluating a Fund Manager’s approach to ESG integration:


Screening is the most mechanical approach. A ‘screen’ can be applied by a Fund Manager to exclude or include securities in a managed fund. To understand the screen used by a Fund Manager there are two key considerations:

Nature of the business activity

For example, companies involved in tobacco, fossil fuels, gambling, controversial weapons, or alcohol maybe excluded. On the other hand, companies with lower carbon emissions might be part of a positive screen and therefore more likely to be included.

Criteria used to define the screen

The Fund Manager could define this several ways. Some definitions are more objective than others. Financial metrics such as revenue are easy to pinpoint e.g., “companies generating more than 10% of revenue from alcohol”. Conversely, a Fund Manager may positively screen for companies with higher ratings from an ESG data provider. These ratings incorporate multiple underlying metrics.

Research IP seeks to answer the following questions when evaluating the Fund Manager’s approach to screening:


Thematic/Impact investing aims to achieve non-financial objectives (as well as a financial return). The intentions of a Fund Manager versus actual contribution to non-financial objectives should be examined. The important consideration regarding contribution is how material an investment is. In this context materiality refers to the influence on outcomes, which in practice relates to the size of an equity investment or the agreed bond covenants. Materiality is a key element that differentiates a Fund Manager in public markets versus one in private markets.

Research IP seeks to answer the following questions when evaluating the Fund Manager’s Thematic/Impact approach:

The latest version of Beneath the Surface of Responsible Investing can be found here.

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Photo credits: Research IP, Marco Bonfanti (Getty Images)

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