RESEARCH UPDATE: Research IP flags the significant changes to the QuayStreet Income Fund investment team and ownership. QuayStreet Asset Management was recently acquired by Smartshares Limited, with the acquisition and transition of the team due to be completed by 23rd February 2023. Portfolio Manager, Roy Cross, will be leaving the business at the end of March 2023. The fund is actively managed, which has not been Smartshares’ core business until the QuayStreet acquisition. We acknowledge Stuart Miller (CIO) had a long track record in managing active fund managers, previously at ANZ. The Research IP rating on the QuayStreet Income Fund has been removed.
Qualitative Research Report and Data Tear Sheet
Looking for some quick access key facts about the fund, have a look at our new RIPPL Effect report, designed to be read in conjunction with the qualitative research.
The full research report and data tear sheet can be accessed by subscribing for FREE to the Research IP Tools page.
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