The Harbour T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund has retained its “4 IP” rating by Research IP, with a score of 4.18/5.

The Harbour T. Rowe Price Global Equity Fund is a high conviction, global equity portfolio seeking to invest in companies with above average sustainable growth characteristics.
What is the Fund’s competitive advantage?
Qualitative Research Report and Data Tear Sheet
Research IP says
“While Berg is ultimately accountable for the Fund, he is supported by a dedicated team of four. Research IP notes the T.Rowe Price analyst and portfolio management teams have a push-pull relationship, where analysts can champion ideas to the PM, or the PM can engage with the analyst to extract ideas for consideration. Importantly, PMs can conduct company analysis, therefore all investment personnel have analyst responsibilities. Berg is a very active analyst and PM.“
“Since commencing operations in 2009, Harbour Asset Management has specialised in Australasian securities. Harbour has chosen to use external specialists to manage global equities. Harbour acknowledges its skill set is better suited to identifying an underlying manager and fund for global securities, rather than try and manage a global portfolio inhouse. Chris Di Leva is responsible for external manager research at Harbour and is supported by Lewis Fowler and Tony Hildyard. Di Leva commenced in 2018, Di Leva has 10 years’ experience in manager selection at Mercer Investments. Fowler commenced in 2021 and Hildyard in 2022, the later as a part of Harbour’s acquisition of Hunter Asset Management.”
“Research IP believes macroeconomic events have influenced equity markets globally, and this has seen a decade long sustained growth phase in stock market performance retreat, principally due to the change from quantitative easing to quantitative tightening. This has seen a marked change in the performance over the last 12 months. However, this has not been as significant as more concentrated global equity growth funds.”
Research IP, 1 December 2022
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