The Harbour Australasian Equity Focus Fund has retained its "5 IP" rating by Research IP, with a score of 4.27/5.
The Harbour Long Short Fund has retrained its "4 IP" rating by Research IP, with a score of 3.83/5.
Research IP brings you the RIPPL Roundup each month to provide an early market snapshot for New Zealand and Australian financial advisers.
Research IP brings you the RIPPL Roundup each month to provide an early market snapshot for New Zealand and Australian financial advisers.
Comparing KiwiSaver fees is like comparing apples to oranges. The intricacies inside the required disclosures make accurate comparisons difficult and time consuming, not to mention the time taken to find all of the relevant information in the first place. Even the inclusion of GST is inconsistent.
We are excited to announce a new partnership for Research IP in New Zealand, is now providing you access to over 300 RIPPL Effect reports to better “help you make financial decisions”.
Magellan has announced that Hamish Douglass will take a medical leave of absence.  With the recent departure of the CEO, relative underperformance and losing their largest mandate, is this the beginning of the end?
The Magellan Global Fund has retained its "5 IP" rating from Research IP, with a score of 4.40/5.
The Magellan Infrastructure Fund has been upgraded to a "5 IP" rating from Research IP, with a score of 4.27/5.
Omicron and zero-covid policies through China and South East Asia have the potential to disrupt global supply chains, heightening the risk of sustained inflation and therefore downside risks to financial markets.

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