Responsible investing has become a focus area in the investment industry, but greenwashing is rife and the sales pitch is strong. To help fiduciaries explore responsible investing we’ve noted some of the commonly used terms within and around the industry:

Responsible investment |
An investor will recognise the link between the success of a company and its interaction with society and the environment. Key factors taken into account are collectively known as ESG factors (environmental, social, governance). |
Socially responsible investing (SRI) |
Commonly known in its abbreviated form, the definition is the same as “responsible investment” and “sustainable investing”. Any perceived differences in the definitions are likely due to the time in which they were first coined and the underlying investment approaches they first referred to. For example, “SRI” was initially understood to mean negative screening. |
Sustainable investing |
Commonly accepted definition is the same as “responsible investment” and “SRI”. |
Ethical investing |
An investor’s moral, religious and/or social values and beliefs guide what they invest in. |
Green (light/dark/deep) investing |
Commonly referred to in the context of ethical investing where the shade of green gives the investor an idea of how rigorous the ESG criteria for investment has been applied. |
Environmental, social and governance issues are underlying factors an investor may consider when determining the future value of an investment. |
Principles for Responsible Investment. UN-supported organisation that examines how investors can incorporate consideration of environmental, social and governance factors when investing. |
SDGs |
Sustainable Development Goals. A total of 17 goals designed as “a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by 2030”. |
The latest version of Beneath the Surface of Responsible Investing can be found here.
Any other jargon that isn’t easy to understand? Please contact us.
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Photo credits: Research IP
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