Research IP brings you the RIPPL Roundup each month to provide an early market snapshot for New Zealand and Australian financial advisers.
We live in an extraordinary time for the global economy. Despite supply chain and workforce issues, a commodities boom and rising energy costs, the US Federal Reserve and European Central bank are keeping low interest rates frozen. But with the inflation spectre looming on the horizon, former US Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh says the window of opportunity for central banks to act may already be closing.
Omicron and zero-covid policies through China and South East Asia have the potential to disrupt global supply chains, heightening the risk of sustained inflation and therefore downside risks to financial markets.
Do you feel good about 2022? What is it going to bring? The early pacesetter is the Omicron variant of COVID-19, ripping up the charts, in a not so positive way, but the world continues its march forward. Aspirational goals and settings have been made.