The recent note from the Financial Markets Authority provides guidance in relation to reasonable grounds for providing financial advice about financial products purchased for investment purposes.
Research IP believes independent, objective, and holistic analysis is required to understand the efficacy and nuance of different responsible investment strategies and how these relate to investors’ altruistic objectives. Independent research will give investors something to hang their hat on when evaluating which managed funds suit their objectives. This is particularly relevant for those Kiwis who end up in a Default fund and may wish to make an active choice and change to a different KiwiSaver provider.
The review of the KiwiSaver Default Provider arrangements in 2021 was seriously imbalanced. What do the new Default funds look like and how do they compare to the fund managers’ equivalent non-default balanced fund? What criteria can you use to make a balanced assessment of the funds on a forward-looking basis?
Comparing KiwiSaver fees is like comparing apples to oranges. The intricacies inside the required disclosures make accurate comparisons difficult and time consuming, not to mention the time taken to find all of the relevant information in the first place. Even the inclusion of GST is inconsistent.
We are excited to announce a new partnership for Research IP in New Zealand, is now providing you access to over 300 RIPPL Effect reports to better “help you make financial decisions”.
Fund Managers are a very important part of the part of the investment landscape. Pension funding systems around the world heavily invest via fund managers, be they internal or externally appointed. Most Australian and Kiwi investors have exposure to a managed fund (also known as a mutual fund) via superannuation and KiwiSaver accounts. For Australians the predominant structure is an Australian Unit Trust (AUT) and for Kiwi’s this is via Portfolio Investment Entities (PIE). Most funds held within pension systems are diversified funds, largely because they are a default fund for the scheme provider.
Understanding how ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors impact investment decisions, and the inclusions and exclusions that comprise a portfolio is important. A better understanding of your investments should help align them with your personal beliefs.
Magellan has announced that Hamish Douglass will take a medical leave of absence.  With the recent departure of the CEO, relative underperformance and losing their largest mandate, is this the beginning of the end?
Do you feel good about 2022? What is it going to bring? The early pacesetter is the Omicron variant of COVID-19, ripping up the charts, in a not so positive way, but the world continues its march forward. Aspirational goals and settings have been made.
Checked your speed lately? In an increasingly digitised world, the speed of your internet connection matters. It dictates how you engage with the world.

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